Category Archives: Spivak

Video: Alexander “Sasha” Spivak

Alexander “Sasha” Spivak

After 24 years of living in New York, USA Sasha Spivak relocated his Art Studio to Western Massachusetts, USA. Alexander “Sasha” Spivak’s study of fine art began at an early age and showed incredible promise. He started to develop his unique style when at the Lviv College of Fine Arts. The artist’s  unusual yet sophisticated imagery brought him through the surrealistic period to the series of technically perfect symbolic and rich in content art. Constantly developing his style Alexander “Sasha” Spivak established his own visual world of POETIC SYMBOLISM. After too many questions about connection of the style to a poetry Alexander came up with a formula “POETIC SYMBOLISM = ROMANTIC SURREALISM”.  The “Grace of Interrelations” is a leitmotif of every artists artwork.